Co-Creation in Shinfield Rise Community Flat

Re-desinging monopoly with people as assets - Sinfield Rise

Re-desinging monopoly with people as assets – Sinfield Rise

The event was organised by Dr Lam and co-facilitated by Dr Alevizou, who also offered observations and reflective notes about the affordances of the engagement methods used with children at the Shinfield Rise Community Flat. The workshop was designed to encourage children at the Shinfield Rise Community Flat to play a more active role in exploring their area and helping Community Associates and Community First members identify/prioritise areas for future development, e.g. new community garden.

The event created positive responses from the young people involved in the community and generated creative outputs for the design of an under-utilised community garden. The creative activities used (drawing, lego, and monopoly board) during the event helped young people think more positively about their area, by enacting their desires through imaginative play.

The activity gave important insights about the dynamics of young people’s participation in co-designing activities. Peer pressure and self-image influence appear to influence the way that young people engage with their communities. At the practical level the activity also offered some insights about the power of creative methodologies and the affordances of play in stimulating desires for civic engagement at the local level.

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